Mark Herring Attacks Obenshain On…Property Rights?!

This is not real life.

Mark Herring has a new ad out that is so patently absurd it defies explanation.

The ad links Mark Obenshain to Ken Cuccinelli because Obenshain received $15,000 from Consol Energy.

To Mark Herring, that means Mark Obenshain won’t stand up for property rights, and Mark Herring will.

The logic train just went flying by.

Mark Obenshain sponsored and carried the most significant property rights legislation that Virginia has ever seen. It went to referendum as a constitutional amendment, and was supported by nearly 80% of Virginia voters. Obenshain has been lauded by property owners and attacked by private interest groups for sponsoring and supporting such legislation.

Mark Herring voted AGAINST the bill, AND attacked Obenshain for sponsoring the bill.

In fact, Mark Herring is so against property rights for private owners, that back in 2000, Mark Herring motioned on the record in Loudoun County to remove the term property rights from the county plan. He responded that he felt the federal government should be responsible for such issues, not localities or counties.

I’ve told you before Mark Herring was an idiot. If this doesn’t it prove it, I don’t know what will. He thinks you are stupid, ignorant and out of touch with Virginian politics.

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