Mudcat sees trouble for McAuliffe

Terry McAuliffe’s run of bad press gets a little longer, with even Time magazine’s “Swampland” having to admit that yes, Greentech is an albatross for the man who would be governor. The way it does so is particularly damning, as it gets “Mudcat” Saunders to utter the words that, once upon a time, were on the lips of most thinking Virginia Demcorats:

Democrats in the state are “beginning to question Terry’s role in not just GreenTech, but also other ventures and activities,” says Virginia Democratic strategist Dave “Mudcat” Saunders, who suggests the probes could depress Democratic turnout. “In a low-turnout election, which I fully expect this one to be, the greatest political tool is enthusiastic support of the ground,” Saunders says. “How Terry is going to regain that enthusiasm in less than 100 days is beyond me.

Drip, drip, drip…

The original Saunders quote in the story above is even more interesting. The article has an editor’s note showing corrections. But along the way, Saunder’s quote was changed, too (in bold below):

“While I know many Democrats who are beginning to question Terry’s role in not just GreenTech but also other ventures and actions, Terry’s attacks have done nothing to diminish Cooch’s rockstar status among his base of activists and volunteers,” says Mudcat. “In a low turnout election, which I fully expect this one to be, the greatest political tool is enthusiastic support on the ground. How Terry is going to regain that enthusiasm in less than 100 days is beyond me.”

Amazing what an editor chooses to leave out, isn’t it? Or perhaps the McAuliffe folks got hold of Dave and told him to get back in line.

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