Virginia Big Line: THE FINAL CUT

The midst of the “sign war” last night at the Richmond Coliseum.

Folks, these have been a blast to do.  The Virginia Big Line has probably become one of the most read and talked about features on Bearing Drift in a long, long time.  Though not always accurate, it has been a fairly stable guidepost as to the fortunes of the campaigns themselves.

In this final analysis, something more than a pithy look was in order.  Pete Snyder walks in the convention favorite today, having run a stellar and positive campaign throughout.  Though recent revelations about his tax liens have finally surfaced, E.W. Jackson had the courage to come clean first — but this will more than likely cap his support to pledged delegates as undecideds look for another champion.

After this first-tier ranking, this leaves four other candidates in the second-tier: Corey Stewart is damaged, crippled… but not done, though his scandals with Virginians for Limited Government are earning the attention of folks who you don’t want being the object of their attention.  Susan Stimpson has done a remarkable job starting from so far back, but a lack of money plus high negatives make her path to victory difficult at best — but not impossible given her credentials and record.  The biggest surprise of all is Jeannemarie Devolites-Davis, who despite all the negatives and all the vitriol poured onto her campaign is going to give a very strong and credible performance on Saturday.  Lastly in this pack but certainly not least, is Scott Lingamfelter, who has discovered renewed strength in the cratering of Corey Stewart’s poorly run and mismanaged campaign — though last minute and truly dirty and nasty attacks through a surrogate (Tom Gear) tarnish this image immensely.

Lastly is Steve Martin, who despite a solid record simply never got off the ground.  We look forward to continued service in the Virginia State Senate.

As for the Attorney General’s race, two great human beings in Mark Obenshain and Rob Bell.  No one — and I mean no none — dislikes either candidate.  It is simply a match for the times, and should Bell be unsuccessful this go around, his path to Attorney General in 2017 is all but assured.

Rankings here are based on probable outcomes during the elections.  Though not thoroughly vetted, it is expected that Martin and Stewart have the greatest likelihood of going out first, followed by JMDD and Stimpson.  Should this happen, your final three are Lingamfelter, Jackson, and Snyder — with the likelihood that Jackson will be the kingmaker (or queenmaker) of the LG nominations.

We’ll see you on Saturday!

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