WaPo: McAuliffe Hearts Abortion (A Lot)

…and how much does T-Mac heart abortion?

“The SBA List believes in protecting the human rights of mothers and children,” she said. “On the other hand, Terry McAuliffe supports a platform of abortion on-demand at any time, for any reason, paid for by Virginia taxpayers. That means he supports a platform of sex-selective abortion, late-term abortion, partial-birth abortion, and abortions on teenage girls without parental consent – all paid for by Virginia tax payers. In sync with the extreme abortion lobby, he is utterly out of step with Virginia taxpayers.”

McAuliffe spokesman Josh Schwerin declined to say whether Dannenfelser had accurately represented McAuliffe’s position on abortion.


Now tell me — when your communications director tells the media “I decline to comment” rather than “gee I dunno, let me get back to you” — isn’t that a problem?

Or a tell?

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