Why does Wayne Powell think we’re all rednecks?

Wayne Powell is the Democrat who doesn’t want you to know that he’s a Democrat who says Eric Cantor isn’t a Republican. Or something like that.

So now, Powell is running radio ads that apparently were produced by the cast of Country Bear Jamboree.

Does Powell really think the people of the 7th District sound like a couple of country bumpkins?

I mean, I know Virginia has a wide range of accents. But I grew up in the Fightin’ Ninth and the affected accents by these two “Good Ol’ Boys” is a stretch even for the far southwest.

According to their “natural” conversations, they’re voting for Mitt Romney and Wayne Powell.

Here’s a clue to Mr. Powell, and to Mudcat “take him out with a bullet” Sanders: The 7th District belongs to Eric Cantor.

Even if there are a few folks in the 7th with a rather strong accent, your faux good ol’ boys aren’t fooling us.

Passing them off as “real” 7th district voters could be considered…oh…I don’t know…a little unethical.

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