ACLU must want Social Security and Medicare shut down, too.

I’m completely sick and tired of government picking and choosing whom to discriminate against.

The whiners at the ACLU spent their time, effort and prowess to shut down a Father-Daughter dance in Rhode Island. Their reasoning?

They think daughters attending a dance is a “blatant gender stereotype.”

ACLU dimwit Steven Brown led the shutdown saying, “I think when schools tell girls you love dances and boys you love baseball game, I think that is going too far.”

No, going too far is the ACLU leaders exposing their psychological disorders through their attacks on something that used to be considered normal – Daughters having dads.

The ACLU claims it was just responding to a complaint by a single mother whose daughter couldn’t go for lack of having a father to take her.

The ACLU’s reasoning, that if one person can’t benefit, then an entire program must be shut down, means that there are about a gazillion other government programs that must be shut down.

Social Security discriminates against me. I can’t get a check while other citizens do, simply because of my age.


Medicare? Government bans me from benefiting.

If my company applies for a federal contract, my white male boss can’t check a bunch of boxes that other non-white, non-male bosses get to check. Guess who gets the contract? Guess who doesn’t?

Ever spend a day in court to see how child support and custody are decided? If the rule is to have no gender stereotyping, someone needs to tell practically every domestic Judge in the country.

How about welfare? I think it’s a stereotype that only poor people get welfare. Where’s my check? Why should I be forced to work and pay my own bills when poor people get money for nothing?

I have always happily “celebrated diversity” as holidays, weeks and months have been dedicated to groups, ethnicities and genders of which I am not a member of.

By their logic, the ACLU will sue to end Black History Month.

Whatever happened to tolerance? Remember tolerance? That’s what the left tells everyone in the majority what they are supposed to be? Why don’t we insist their “no tolerance” demands apply to them?

I pay into Social Security, Medicare, money that pays federal contractors, welfare, food stamps – I pay all of that, even though federal law DISCRIMINATES or FORBIDS me from qualifying to benefit from them.

I get the joy of seeing my tax dollars pay the grocery bills of people with an iPhone 5, while I trim expenses to buy diapers (a lot of diapers) for my newborn son.

Come to think of it, I bet the ACLU wouldn’t sue to stop a Father-son dance.

Someone needs to address this entitlement society to at least make it consistent. Government accuses others of discriminating while happily practicing its own discrimination. Some of us are getting sick of the double standard.

If the ACLU wants to shut down an entire school event because one person felt unincluded, then every government program that makes one person feel unincluded should be shut down as well. Right?

Banning Father-Daughter dances because one person was excluded opens up the argument for banning thousands of government programs.

If the ACLU wants to restrict freedom to gain fairness, then fairness needs to be fair. I’m sick of the ACLU animal farm of hypocrites discriminating against me.

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