Dick Morris: McDonnell is your VP Pick

Dick Morris clearly reads Bearing Drift.

Keep in mind that the Romney campaign can virtually at-will send the media on every wild goose chase it prefers.  Mark Halperin lays out the schematic:

  1. Romney’s advisers can manipulate the guessing game effortlessly, and they know it. Many political reporters trying to break the story will take any morsel and go with it.

  2. Boston will almost certainly engage in some feints in order to build up suspense and throw the media off the scent.

  3. Watch Drudge closely for both hints and feints.

  4. Unless you have been directly involved in one of these, you can’t believe the number of calls and emails that will go from journalists to Romney campaign officials from now until the pick is made public, with pleas such as “My career will be hurt if I don’t break this,” “My career will be made if I break this,” and “I don’t need to break it, but please be available to confirm the story right away for me if someone else breaks it,”and, “You owe me.”

  5. We’ve never had a veepstakes like this, with so much new media and social media. That gives Boston fresh opportunities, and also presents new challenges for keeping the pick a secret.

He’s got five more reasons… and they’re all good.


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