Republicans: Focus on Obama’s record, and stop being distracted by idiotic stories that don’t matter!

In the middle of the most consequential race for the presidency of the United States – the most powerful office on the planet, in our lifetimes, it is time for Republicans to stop being distracted by the juvenile inanities of the Democrats and their sycophantic “news” media operatives.

When a reporter asks a Republican about comments by a talk radio host about a woman who publicly pronounced her need for $1,000 in taxpayer-funded contraception per year, the Republican should reply that the talk radio host is not running for office and that Barack Obama in one term nearly doubled the national debt accumulated over the course of two centuries.

When a reporter asks a Republican about comments made by a Democrat operative posing as a news commentator attacking the wife of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee and stay-at-home moms everywhere, the Republican should respond that neither the Democrat operative nor Ann Romney are running for office and that Barack Obama quadrupled the deficit in less than three years.

When a reporter asks a Republican about the racial implications of a shooting in Florida for which there is no evidence that race was a factor, the Republican should respond that George Zimmerman is not running for office and that Barack Obama has repeatedly thrown Israel under the bus while buying time for a maniacal Islamist terrorist-sponsoring regime in Iran to develop nuclear weapons.

When a reporter asks a Republican about “occupiers” or the “1%,” the Republican should respond that the 1% pay 50% of all taxes and that  Barack Obama and his congressional Democrats attempted to use hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to buy the votes of two Democrat Senators in order to pass into law an unconstitutional scheme to put the government in control of every aspect of our lives by putting it in control of our health care.

When a reporter asks a Republican about an NFL quarterback who dares not only to profess his Christian faith but to live by its values, the Republican should respond that Tim Tebow is not running for office and that Barack Obama funneled trillions of dollars into failed “green energy” companies that supported his campaign while thwarting every effort to increase domestic oil production, resulting in a doubling of gas prices during his tenure.

When a reporter asks a Republican about a retort by the Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates to an obnoxious leftist reporter who was persisting in expressing selective indignation, the Republican should respond that Speaker Howell is not running for any office this year and that Tim Kaine has announced that he wants to raise taxes even higher than Barack Obama.

When a reporter asks a Republican about a bill that requires a woman to have an external ultrasound before aborting her child and characterizes that bill as “rape,” the Republican should tell the reporter that when he wishes to present a question with an accurate premise, he will be happy to respond.

When a reporter asks a Republican about the so-called “war on women,” the Republican should utterly ignore that reporter, refuse to dignify his absurd question with a response, and inquire whether there are any adults in the room who wish to ask a serious question.

The stakes are too high in this year’s election for the Republicans to go along with the Democrats’ strategy of distracting attention from Barack Obama’s disastrous record and the catastrophic consequences for our country.  It is time for the Republicans to have the backbone to stop letting the Democrats and their “news” media set the narrative.  If the Republicans want to win, they must remain focused on the issues that matter and not be duped into playing the Democrats’ games.

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