Who is REALLY wasting time on social issues?

Why do Democrats waste my time?

Almost daily by email inbox is peppered with press releases and missives about social issues.

Every single one of them is from a Democrat! Delegates, Senators, Democrat party hacks – all they want to talk about is social issues.

Even Tim Kaine spends his time harping on social issues but is absolutely silent on the Democrats threatening to close down all Virginia public schools because they want better committee assignments.

Turn on MSNBC, and all you see is the talk about social issues. Al Sharpton talking about birth control? Would that his mother have had such forethought!

Meanwhile, Republicans are talking about a tale of two Senates, the US and the VA, both filled with Democrats who refuse to pass a budget.

Every newspaper in the Commonwealth has editorial boards who have been sing-songing along in the tune “Stop wasting time on social issues.”

They say it to the Republicans, as if Republicans are spending any time on them.

It’s Democrats that are holding social issues rallies. It’s Democrats who spend interminably long amounts of time on the floors of the General Assembly debating social issues. It’s the Democrats holding press conferences on social issues.

It was Democrat Sen. Barbara Favola who left the Senate floor and missed the vote on the budget because she wanted to appear on MSNBC to talk about social issues.

Republicans are talking about the budget. Democrats are talking about social issues.

So, to my dear friends in the media, if you think people are spending too much time on social issues, look at the Democrats.

They’re the ones doing it.

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