A Romney/McDonnell Ticket It Is… UPDATED

…or so say the students at Washington & Lee University, capping off a good day for Mitt Romney, in which he also won the Maine Republican Caucus and the CPAC straw poll.

Gov. Romney won the overwhelming support of student-delegates at W & L’s 2012 Mock Republican Convention, receiving 1,781 delegates, to Speaker Gingrich’s 222, Sen. Santorum’s 151 and Rep. Paul’s 130.

Gov. Romney’s nomination was accepted by his wife, Ann, who personally called the convention in place of husband who was unavailable at the time.

The students also selected Virginia’s own Gov. Bob McDonnell to be the Republican candidate for Vice President.

W&L’s mock convention—the second-oldest mock convention in the United States—enjoys the reputation as being the most accurate, having only incorrectly predicted the nominee of the non-incumbent party twice since 1948.



Here’s a list of W & L’s past predictions.  Not a bad track record.



Vice President McDonnell speaks:

Gov. Bob McDonnell Delivers the Republican Response to the President’s Weekly Radio Address

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TThkXBdetDQ]

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