Lowell Feld: Republicans Politics Killed Geary

That didn’t take long, did it?

Want to see some gutter politics?  Check out Lowell Feld at Blue Virginia trying to blame Matt Geary’s death on Republicans.

I’ve screen captured it for posterity… but that is the most hateful, despicable, and lowest thing I have read in the Virginia blogosphere in years.

We will never know why Matthew Geary, perhaps flawed like all of us, but a good and decent man from all that I have read, took his life. We cannot directly link it to the politics of personal destruction practiced by the Republican Party. I can, however, believe that the tactics used by Republicans in the Geary race were outrageous and morally reprehensible.

Matthew Geary’s wife is now without her husband, and Geary’s five children will forever be without their father. It is a sad day for Matthew Geary’s family. I hold them in my heart and can only hope for a more civil and responsible political discourse.

Why is this guy leaned on by Tim Kaine and others in the Democratic establishment?  And why is no one condemning this?

Of course, we’ll hear the response: “Oh… but I specifically said I couldn’t directly connect the two!  You guys are just making more out of this than it is!”


Despicable behavior… but entirely expected.

I look forward to notable Democrats condemning this.  Otherwise, your silence grants your consent… and we can simply accept Lowell’s actions as a reprehensible new low for Virginia politics.

UPDATE: Sara James states things far more eloquently than I ever could:

The “establishment machine” is not to blame for Matt Geary’s apparent suicide. Stop it. This means you Mr. Schapiro, and all others who seemingly want to use it as fodder against political opponents.

Prayers for his family.

Well said.

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