Stellar 2011 for Rep. Scott Rigell

Rep. Scott Rigell announced his campaign team for re-election, and looking back on Rigell’s first year in office, he’s given them and the citizens of the Second District a very impressive record.

Truth be told, the first thing I thought in seeing Rigell’s campaign team was a quote from the Blues Brothers – “We’re putting the band back together!”

Indeed they are, with Campaign Manager Richard Jenkins, the famous GC Chris LaCivita, Senior Political Advisor Jason Miyares and Deputy Finance Director Page Painter, looks like the team that scored such a resounding victory in 2010 is warming up to play again in 2012.

LaCivita’s involvement especially signals a level of determination of Team Rigell with a slew of electoral victories on his resume. With Democrats working hard to pretend it is still 2008, every day makes the electorate more dissatisfied with Obama’s failed leadership. I feel bad for the Democrats who have to run into this crew of buzzsaws.

Look at the record Rigell has achieved in one short year:

$ 8 trillion dollars – That’s how much in spending cuts Rigell has voted for in federal spending, including the “cut, cap and balance” bill, the balanced budget Constitutional Amendment, the Ryan Budget Plan and also helped lead House Conservatives by voting for the “Republican Study Committee” Budget that was much more aggressive in cutting federal spending than the Ryan plan.

Rigell founded the “Fix Congress Now” Caucus, the first “reform” caucus in Washington. He returns 15% of his salary back to the Treasury to retire the debt, turned down all federal retirement benefits as a Member of Congress and is paying for his own health care and not asking taxpayers to foot the bill.

Rigell supports ending lobbyist-driven loopholes and subsidies like those who helped Solyndra.

Rigell introduced HR 1708 which prohibited the use of funds to support Operation Odyssey Dan in Libya. Rigell sided with the Constitution and stated the President should seek a formal declaration of war when committing our troops.

Rigell is true to the Second Amendment by supporting law-abiding citizens to retain their Constitutional rights across state lines.

Obama’s government takeover of health care? Rigell co-sponsored HR2 to repeal it, HR 21 to repeal the individual mandate, HR 127 to de-authorize appropriations for it and HR 1744 to repeal the employer mandate.

Rigell protected human life by blocking taxpayer funding of abortion and voting to strip abortion funding from Obama’s health care law.

And yes, Virginia, Rigell supports the Fair Tax Act of 2011 (HR 25), which abolishes the IRS tax code and the income tax, replacing it with a sales tax.

An amazing record for any Congressional year, but even more so from a Freshman Congressman. Remember that freshmen Congressman he replaced and what his first year was like?

With a team like Rigell’s and a record like this, coupled with a Republican redistricting and voters trending more Republican in 2009, 2010 and 2011, one could fault the re-election effort to be a tad overconfident.

They aren’t. The Scott Rigell band is back together and the top hit of 2012 is to beat the Democrat’s Boy from New York City.

We’re gonna have a ball, Paul…

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