The tea party’s progressive tendencies

At Virginia Right!, Tom White asks a tough question: is the Virginia Tea Party Patriots organization aping the terms and tactics of their progressive opponents? In regards to a voter education project the group intends to launch against George Allen, Tom says, quite plainly, that they are. Here’s a snippet:

[Mark] Lloyd has made no secret of which candidate he supports. These lies and half-truths have done more to undermine Radtke’s campaign, not only in my view, but in the eyes of many Virginians.

If you have any questions about these reckless accusations, please visit this post. I spent a great deal of time researching these accusations that the VTPP has been circulating. Not as an Allen Supporter, but as a TEA Party supporter insisting on truth.

I am not supporting any candidate at this juncture. What I will support is the integrity and honesty of the TEA Party. And I can truthfully say that Lloyd’s missives he is calling “truth in voting” are exactly the type of “truths” that the Progressives spew about Climate Change and ObamaCare.

And at this point, while I have not announced support for any single candidate, I have eliminated those who are not truthful with Virginians.

As the man always says, go read the whole thing.

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