(Updated with graphic) Obama Administration continuing to waste time on the economy

So the president was in Georgetown continuing to press the issue on the “Son of Stimulus” – an $825 billion package that will supposedly be the magic bullet that suddenly creates jobs that the $1.5 trillion package passed earlier in his administration could not. But what should be a concerted effort to fix the economy is tantamount to just continuing his campaign. From The Hill:

“Democratic leadership will continue to push the legislation despite its inability to clear either chamber, in part, because Obama is continuing to use the jobs bill as a central talking point as he gears up for the 2012 reelection campaign.”

Of course not all Democrats have signed on to the president’s, Harry Reid’s and Nancy Pelosi’s shell game.

“I’ve consistently said we should not raise taxes on ordinary earned income. I don’t believe that’s the way to pay for this,” Senator Jim Webb told Politico.

Webb also recently jumped off the Obama bandwagon by not committing to campaign for the president in 2012.

At least the president is starting to take some responsibility for his actions instead of blaming others:

CBS’ AMELIA SANTANIELLO: “At what point does the economy become your fault and not your predecessors?” OBAMA: “It’s always my responsibility. I am less interested in allocating blame than just making sure we are taking every step we need to move the economy forward.” (CBS’ “The Early Show,” 11/2/11)

I guess this means the president can now take responsibility for:

9.1%: Unemployment Rate. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 10/7/11)
2.2 Million: Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 10/7/11)
1.6 Million: Private Sector Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 10/7/11)
1.5 Million: Jobs Lost Since Obama’s Stimulus Was Passed. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 10/7/11)
32: Record Number Of Straight Months With Unemployment Rate Above 8 Percent. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 10/7/11)
$4.36 Trillion: Added To The National Debt Since Obama Took Office. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 11/1/11)
3: Record +$1 Trillion Deficits On Obama’s Watch. (CBO, 10/7/11)
7.5 Million: Foreclosure Filings Since Obama Took Office. (RealtyTrac, Accessed 10/11/11)
69%: Americans Saying The County Is “In Decline.” (The Hill,10/24/11)
83%: Voters Saying They’re Either Very Or Somewhat Worried About The Future Of The Nation. (The Hill,10/24/11)

The reality is that there are solutions, but Democrats continue to blockade commonsense solutions. Speaking out on it is Majority Leader Eric Cantor:

“Good morning, for months now we’ve been saying that Republicans in the House are interested in trying to set aside differences and look for ways that we can actually work with the President and the other side to accomplish results for the American people. Results right now mean jobs.

“This will be the third week that we have put bills on the floor that actually have the support of the President and the other side. We started with the trade bills, we passed three of those and everyone projects a couple hundred thousand jobs will result over the period of eighteen months. Last week we put a bill on the floor having to do with the 3 percent withholding requirement and repealing that. This week on the floor we will have several bills having to do with access to capital for small businesses. These are things that the President spoke to and the American people support.

“What I am concerned about is what we see now in the Senate is Harry Reid refusing to go along with the President and us, especially on this 3 percent withholding bill. What we are hearing today is that for no reason at all the Leader in the Senate is desirous of trying to change that bill, and therefore decreasing the possibility it can make it to the White House, be signed into law and create jobs. So when people around the country are looking for jobs and asking where the jobs are, they are stuck in the Senate, that’s where the jobs are.”

Can we stop playing politics and get to work?

Update: Good graphic representing the Obama Administration’s economic impact from the Republican Policy Committee –

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