Hey Democrats! Come Out, come out, wherever you are!

Your fearless leader is making another magical mystery bus tour to the Commonwealth. But apparently none of you want to be seen with him.

Heck Bob McDonnell even beats you there!

McDonnell to Obama: Come see the earthquake damage[Washington Examiner].

But one by one, Democrats are indicating they don’t want to be seen with the President.

First there was Sen. Phil Puckett, who has said ‘I don’t plan to support President Obama for re-election.’

Then Ward Armstrong tried to make us think he’s a conservative. As Norm Leahy wrote “In his most recent television ad, Armstrong says he’s not really like the President at all, what with being pro-life, pro-gun, anti-cap and trade and whatnot”

Last, but not least, even Obama’s cheerleader-in-chief, Tim (a.k.a. “Hinky Eyebrow”) Kaine won’t commit to supporting the President’s “jobs” bill.

Apparently Virginia Democrats are afraid someone will drop a house on them. And, sadly, they know that under the Obama Administration, FEMA won’t be there to help them out.

But, c’mon out Democrats. We dare ya.

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