Five Questions w/ Courtney Lynch

In yet another new column on Bearing Drift, starting this week we’ll be leading with Five Questions from Virginia’s best and brightest from across the political spectrum.  This week, given all the drama over the December 2010 AP debates and the reaction of the GOP nominees, Bearing Drift reached out to Democratic nominee Courtney Lynch to offer a bit of insight as to how the 2012 Democratic Senate nomination was shaping up.

(1) So let’s start with the basics. Why are you running for U.S. Senate?

I am running to serve the people of Virginia.

Our current political system is not working. I believe a key reason it’s not effective is that we have too many system candidates and we need more citizen candidates. Meaning, many are engaged in politics today for the personal power, notoriety and prestige position can offer. Yet true leadership is about focusing on serving and achieving results for the citizens you lead. As a Marine I learned that to influence positive change you have to step up and engage. My candidacy gives voters a credible choice beyond the tenured politicians who have dominated the political landscape in the Commonwealth.

As a wife, mom, veteran, small-business owner, and recent caregiver to my elderly grandmother I have experienced the day to day challenges of life in America firsthand. When I earned my law degree at William & Mary, I gained valuable insight into the beauty of democracy and the value of our Constitution. As Americans we are fortunate to have the freedoms most do not. Yet our way of life and our precious democracy is in jeopardy if regular people continue to tune out of the political process. My goal is that my candidacy energizes voters to pay attention to the process, come to the polls and have a say in getting our country back on track. I represent a new era of authentic leadership. And, we need it. With all due respect, the thinking that has got us to this point is not going to be the same thinking that moves us forward as a nation.

I invite voters to review my detailed action plan for leading Virginia and America to progress. It can be downloaded at my campaign website.

(2) We’ve noticed that your campaign shares much in common with Senator Mark Warner’s (D-VA) “radical centrism” position. How would you describe your political philosophy?

Ultimately I am a centrist. Yet, I arrive at the center by crossing traditional party lines on issues. I am fiscally conservative and socially progressive. Many of my friends tell me they think I am a Republican at heart. That’s not true, I am proud Democrat. The reason my political philosophy is not neatly organized along traditional party lines is because the diversity of my experiences in life have led to a broad world view.

I have a strong desire to lead and contribute to creating policy that is effective for most Americans, not just those with narrow special interest. And, I strongly believe it is possible to bring innovation, collaboration and results back to our political process. In order to do that we need moderates who have the courage and political will to take an authentic stand on issues- even if their opinion is not the most popular one. Voters might not agree with me on every issue, but they will clearly know where I stand.

(3) Former Governor Tim Kaine had a tenure in Richmond that is often compared to Governor Jim Gilmore on the right as one that was difficult at best. How would you characterize Kaine’s tenure as Governor?

Tim Kaine is a career politician and his term as Governor reflected that. I believe his bold leadership must have been reserved for the role he took on during his term as head of the DNC. Kaine’s tenure as Governor is best characterized as non descript.

(4) Obviously, many folks had written off Jim Webb before he ran against Harris Miller in 2006. Do you see parallels with your campaign and Jim Webb’s successful nomination bid?

Hopefully folks haven’t written me off yet, I am just getting started! You can never underestimate a Marine. That was true for Senator Webb and that will be true for me. One of the strongest parallels between my efforts and Webb’s is that we both were certainly not establishment favorites when we tossed our hats in the ring. I’ve always thought one of the greatest assets of the Democratic party was its inclusive nature. Unfortunately, today the party establishment in Virginia has become quite insular. I believe all voters- Republicans, Independents and Democrats, want candidates who are in touch with the challenges they face. I, (like Webb was) am out of touch with the party elite, but like Webb, I am ready to fight hard for the opportunity to represent the majority of Virginia voters- those that want to elect a leader, not just a party favorite.

Another key parallel is my ability to attract volunteers to my campaign. In just six short weeks of being on the trail I’ve had hundreds sign up to assist. I know I’ll soon have thousands lending their time and energy to the campaign.

(5) If elected, what is the one issue or legislative topic you will drive home? Why?

My main issue will be to focus on securing the future for our state and our nation. Restoring the nation’s economic health is the key priority. From jobs creation, to debt reduction, to responsibly cutting government spending and revamping our tax code, we have to make the tough decisions now that will begin to resolve the complex problems America is facing. We cannot afford to kick the can any further down the road. It will take action and leadership to set future generations up for success and to restore peace and prosperity. It’s time to for Virginia and America to begin moving forward once again.

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