URGENT UPDATE: Friday is the LAST CHANCE to support Josh in the Buddy Walk

URGENT UPDATE:  After weeks at #1, we have now fallen to 2nd place at the last minute.  We need to raise another $150 by noon today to get back on top!  Please donate if you can!

Tomorrow (Friday) is the last day to make a donation to support Josh in the Down Syndrome Association of Hampton Roads Buddy Walk, which will take place at Mt. Trashmore in Virginia Beach on Saturday.

We are currently the #1 fundraiser for the event out of over 100 fundraisers – but only by $24!

Thanks to the generosity of so many people, including many kind and generous readers of Bearing Drift, we have raised over $1,600!  We want someday to be able to tell Josh that his team was the #1 team of the event in his first year of life.

For more information about our team and about Josh’s ordeal over the past 5 months since he was born, please click here.

Please click here and take this last opportunity to donate $100, $50, $25, $10, or whatever whatever you can to support an organization that will benefit Josh for his entire life.

Thanks, and please also pass this on to anyone else who might want to donate!

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