Sic Semper Tyrannis?

There is no other way to describe it: Virginia First Lady Maureen McDonnell embarrased herself, her husband, and her state with this litte get together. Ugh!

From the Governor’s Office press release:

On Friday, Sept. 9, First Lady of Virginia Maureen McDonnell hosted a delegation from China Central Television (CCTV) at the Governor’s Mansion in Richmond. The group came to Virginia as a result of Governor Bob McDonnell’s trade mission to Asia in May of 2011. During that trip, the First Lady and representatives of the Virginia Tourism Corporation met with China Public Television officials regarding opportunities to work together on media related initiatives.

“It is exciting to work with an institution like China Central Television on initiatives that can produce such great mutual benefits” said Mrs. McDonnell. “I am grateful that our trade mission is producing results such as these and that Virginia now has the opportunity to host this distinguished delegation.”

As the great John McEnroe would say: You cannot be serious!

CCTV is not PBS, or even NPR, or anything else that passes as “public television” in the United States. It is Communist propaganda, pure and simple. Among the many “educational” programs this bunch of cadres airs for the Chinese people was this drivel seen and noted by Troy Parfitt (Why China Will Never Rule the World):

That night on CCTV, a panel of Chinese scientists was explaining how the Americans had never landed on the moon. Not only were the lunar missions faked, they said, but the Apollo program itself was largely a matter of science fiction. The shadows were all wrong. Where were the craters? And just look at that ridiculous flag – not moving even with solar winds. Their tone was both mocking and disdainful, as if even having to explain why this was the biggest fraud of all time insulted their very intelligence. It was announced that part two of the program would air the following evening and I made a mental note to remember to watch it. I reckoned I might be able to learn where Elvis had been hiding and why Princess Diana was murdered by Britain’s secret service.

So now the Commonwealth of Virginia is on record endorsing the source of nonsense like this, and this meeting is sure to be beamed from the Pacific to the occupied nations (Tibet and East Turkestan) as evidence of Virginia’s thumbs-up to the regime and its propaganda arm.

Virginia’s motto is Sic Semper Tyrannis – with the controversial image of a half-naked woman stepping on a dictator. Something tells me the semi-clothed femme fatale would have been the one embarrassed this time.

Cross-posted to the China e-Lobby

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