AG Cuccinelli Targets Medicaid Fraud

This is a bigger problem than folks realize, and I’m glad that Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is putting the spotlight on what is a multi-million dollar problem in Virginia alone — and potentially billions wasted nationwide:

Over the last 30 years, the unit, which also handles elder abuse and includes lawyers, investigators, nurses, and auditors — has developed a reputation as one of the best in the country, helping to recover nearly $800 million from fraudulent providers. Last year, the unit recovered more than $15 million.

“We’re not an accounting firm — this isn’t about getting dollars,” Cuccinelli said during a recent interview in his office. “It’s about stopping criminal activity and fraud and making sure that as many people in Virginia can trust the bill they get at their health-care providers, and that it isn’t tainted by somebody stealing.”

Cuccinelli said his office is coordinating with more than 200 Triad chapters throughout the state in an expanded effort to educate seniors on elder abuse and help them identify and report Medicaid fraud.

Read the rest of the story here.  As more and more Baby Boomers retire, the issue of Medicaid fraud and elderly abuse remains a growing threat.

…and unlike most areas of government, the Triad — set up under former AG-turned-Governor Jim Gilmore — pays for itself and then some.

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