Rigell: North Korea – Watchdog for Disarmament?

By Congressman Scott Rigell

North Korea recently assumed the presidency of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament. Sounds like a joke, but it’s not. This follows our Navy’s interception of a North Korea ship delivering missiles to Burma in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions. Who were the first to congratulate North Korea on its new post? Iran, Burma and China. North Korea’s behavior has been deplorable:

* May 2009—Testing a nuclear weapon

* March 26, 2010—Sinking the South Korean navy corvette Cheonan, taking the lives of 46 sailors on board

* November 23, 2010—Shortly after announcing its new nuclear facilities, firing over 170 artillery rounds toward Yeonpyeong Island in the Yellow Sea, killing two ROK Marines and two civilians, injuring many more and damaging multiple structures

This election by the Conference on Disarmament insults the millions of North Koreans who are severely oppressed by a brutal, dictatorial regime—Kim Jong Il and his inner circle. The election of North Korea to this post once again shows the failure of the U.N. as credible international organization. We need accountability not only in Washington, but in the U.N. as well. What is taking place in the U.N. is unacceptable. Why should we fund an organization that is run by incompetent leaders who do not share our values?

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