Perry to Keep the Lights Burning in Texas

The incandescent light bulb is scheduled to be phased out in 2012 as decreed by the federal government. However, Texas Governor Rick Perry is saying not so fast.

Due to environmental concerns, all incandescent light bulbs on the store shelves are eventually to be phased out and replaced with fluorescent bulbs by a set date. It is a perfect example of federal overreach into areas of authority that do not belong to them.  

Governor Perry recently signed a law which would exempt Texas from the federal regulation; essentially, all incandescent light bulbs that are sold and purchased within the state would be exempt from the federal regulation. While the debate over the regulations of the types of light bulbs we use is not exactly a life or death issue; it serves as a reminder of the effects that onerous federal regulation has had upon our lives.

Like our own Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Rick Perry has been at the forefront of a revival of federalism.

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