If you happen to live in the 12th State Senate District . . .

. . . this is for you:

Jane Eshagpoor, a principled conservative, has opened her campaign office at 4100 E Parham Road, (1st floor), Henrico, Virginia 23228. She will challenge Senator Walter Stosch in the August 23rd primary. The campaign is collecting signatures on petitions and you can sign the petition today and Tuesday from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm, Wednesday 7:30 am to 3:00 pm. This is a ballot access request only. You may reach the campaign by dialing the full number 804-915-4505. It is not a long distance call.

Hopefully, she also has folks out in the neighborhoods collecting signature. I say that because Senator Stosch has a terrible history with tax increases, and voters in the 12th are in desperate need of an upgrade.

The deadline for primary petitions is tomorrow.

Cross-posted to the right-wing liberal

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