Tim Pawlenty Opts In (Officially…Finally)

After months of going through the motions, Tim Pawlenty has finally announced what we all knew was coming, an official bid for the Republican nomination. Though considered in the second tier of the Republican contenders, behind Mitt Romney specifically, Pawlenty is poised to benefit from Mitch Daniels, Haley Barbour and Mike Huckabee’s decisions to not run in 2012. Pawlenty offers the social conservatives and fiscal conservatives what he believes to be a consensus candidate, trouble-free from Romney’s past issues as governor.

Having met Pawlenty (T-Paw) at CPAC this past February, I can tell you firsthand his one-on-one interactions are amazing. I was expecting a stiff politician and got a warm handshake, questions and engaging on questions both ways. Pawlenty’s biggest issue remains connecting with large crowds, name ID and enthusiasm amongst the base. Take a look at the campaign ad released Sunday night, powerful and well done.

Pawlenty joins Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich as the only formally announced candidates (not exploratory committees) with Romney and Rick Santorum likely to follow in the near future.

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