McCormick to Radtke: Be Nice

Virginia Beach attorney David McCormick has been watching the back-and-forth between Radtke and Allen… and apparently has the enough of the early mudslinging, and is laying the smacketh down:

VIRGINIA BEACH,VA— US Senate candidate David McCormick is calling on his fellow candidate Jamie Radtke to tone down her inflammatory rhetoric against fellow candidate George Allen. Radtke has, almost daily, sent out messages to her followers and posted on her Facebook page attacking former Governor George Allen. “Attacks against people who want to serve their country are misguided” said McCormick, “The days of destroying fellow Republicans have to end.”

David McCormick is calling for civility from Radtke in her campaign. “The time to tear down is over; the time to build each other up to win this Senate seat for the Republican Party is now. If we are to turn up the HEAT (Honesty, Efficiency, Accountability, and Thriftiness) on Washington, we should focus on our own positive ideas of creating jobs, eliminating irresponsible spending and balancing the budget.”

David McCormick is currently running for US Senate in Virginia. David has run ten businesses over the last 27 years. His business savvy passion for teaching is unparalleled, whether as a trainer at UPS or as a professor of law at Regent University. David and his wife and children reside in Virginia Beach.

Radtke has recently embarked on a “This Day in George Allen History” campaign in order to mock… well, a series of “This Day in George Allen History” days from none other than George Allen himself.

McCormick’s response?  To say what the rest of us was thinking.  In short, he rushed into the ring and gave ’em The People’s Elbow!

Classy move by David McCormick… no better way to get your name into the debate than to insert yourself as the voice of reason in an otherwise empty shouting match.

By the way, did you know we have 100 House and 40 state senate seats up in 2011 in Virginia?  Someone might want to let our 2012 candidates know…

(This public service announcement was also brought to you today by the letter M and the number 3.)


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