Radtke: Opposes Libyan War, Asks for Congressional Authorization

In a statement, candidate Jamie Radtke denounced the attacks on Libya while simultaneously announcing her support for the ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq:

I am disturbed that the President seemed more concerned about a U.N. vote than Congressional authorization. The United States Congress must hold an immediate vote on a declaration of war on Libya.

I support the war in Afghanistan, which was in response to the terrorist attack on U.S. soil that killed thousands of Americans, and the war in Iraq, which was intended to stop a WMD program that we and nearly all other nations believed that Saddam Hussein was undertaking. While I would have preferred declarations of war, Congress did at least pass resolutions for the use of military force in both wars.

In Libya, however, the United States is facing no imminent national security threat, yet we are doing most of the heavy lifting, and we have no Congressional authorization for the use of military force.

Radtke also questions the objectives in the Libyan War, with air power being insufficient to either remove or deter Qaddafi, and further questions as to whether or not the intervention in Libya is truly humanitarian in nature:

And if humanitarian reasons are our chief reason for intervention, as Obama has stated it is, what of the many other civil wars and slaughter of civilians that are occurring around the world every day? Why Libya and not the Ivory Coast or Sudan or Congo?

You may read the entire statement here.

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