Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Today is St. Patrick’s Day, a day revered around the world by the Irish as the feast day of St. Patrick, patron saint of Ireland.  According to the generally accepted histories, today is the 1518th anniversary of Patrick’s death.

Captured in a raid by celtic marauders when he was sixteen, he was sold into slavery and spent the next six years as a shepherd in County Antrim, Ireland. He escaped captivity, made his way to France, joined the Church and returned to Ireland where he spent the rest of his days.

Not much is known about his work besides the apocryphal tales we’ve all heard, from the driving the snakes from Ireland to his teaching about the Holy Trinity using a shamrock.

Don’t let my last name fool you – I’m more Irish than German, hailing originally from that Irish-Catholic bastion that was Baltimore. And I’m happy to say that us Episcopalians still treat St. Patrick with the respect he deserves, as March 17 is the feast day of St. Patrick here as well.

For the rest of the country, St. Patrick’s Day is a convenient excuse to go drinking, and as an Irishman, I can’t give anyone a hard time for that. So from me, the Kenney’s and the rest of us Irishers at Bearing Drift, raise a pint of Guinness or Smithwicks (NO GREEN BEER) with a cheer of Beannachtam na Feile Padraig!

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