Helsel sworn in; assigned committees

Del. Gordon Helsel (R-Poquoson) was sworn in late this afternoon at the capitol following certification of the election and given his committee assignments by Speaker of the House William Howell (R-Stafford).

As D.J. Spiker reported earlier, Helsel coasted to a victory yesterday, but still faces re-election in November.

Speaking of Helsel’s victory Speaker Howell said:

“Delegate-elect Helsel combines distinguished service in business, the military and government with an energetic style and common-sense approach to problem solving. As a dedicated proponent of keeping taxes competitively low and expanding job-creating opportunities, Gordon possesses not only a valuable understanding of these and other central issues but also a desire to advance practical solutions that produce real results for those he serves. These and many more admirable characteristics make him an ideal addition to our once-again 61-member strong House Republican Majority.”

In a release from the Speaker, the following committee assignments were made:

He will serve on the House Health, Welfare and Institutions (HWI) Committee as well as the House Science and Technology (S&T) Committee. Among other matters, the HWI Committee considers issues concerning person with disabilities, public buildings and public health professions as well as public policies surrounding drugs, social services and welfare and the regulation of health care professionals and associated occupations. Helsel will replace Delegate Clay Athey who volunteered to give him up seat on that committee. The S&T Committee focuses primarily on matters relating to technology, engineering, research and development; standards and measures; and the critical area of enhancing the effectiveness of government through technology.

In addition, the Speaker is appointing Delegate Helsel to the Fort Monroe Authority Board of Trustees. He will fill former Delegate Gear’s position on this panel that’s so important to the future of the Lower Peninsula.

Congrats, again. Del. Helsel!

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