Randy Forbes Hearts Wargaming!

Apparently, there are voices in the Pentagon and elsewhere that want to cut modelling and simulation (known as wargaming to the rank and file) for the military.

Virginia’s Rep. Randy Forbes decided to ask a few questions about it’s importance. It’s worth a listen:

From Randy’s blog:

Secretary McHugh’s comments are critical. Modeling and simulation technology is so important to our United States military as we face both the realities of significant budget constraints and twenty-first century warfare.

As the founder and chairman of the Congressional Modeling and Simulation Caucus, I have championed the use of this technology in our military. I’ve also joined with other Members of Congress to look at ways to take modeling and simulation beyond the battlefield by increasing collaboration around this technology as a tool to better respond to national catastrophes, both natural and man-made.

Well played, Congressman.

BTW, if you want a tutorial on how to do social media right as an elected official, you’re not going to get better than Randy Forbes.

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