On the radio with George Allen and Ken Cuccinelli

Last weekend on “The Score” — the commonwealth’s newest and, forgive my bias, best — syndicated political talk radio show, Scott Lee interviewed a couple of very familiar names: Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and former Sen. George Allen. Cuccinelli talks about the health care lawsuit, and his congressional testimony on the matter, as well as the status of his legal tussle with the University of Virginia.

The Allen interview covers energy and gas prices, the Libyan uprising (and why on earth the U.S. seems so timid in its response) as well as the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Westboro Baptist case. I’ve long been agnostic on Mr. Allen but this interview — particularly his opening salvo against “sanctimonious elites” — took me back to his gubernatorial heyday. And that’s a good thing.

You can here these interviews and more by going here.

“The Score” can be heard live on WLEE, 990 AM in Richmond, from 8 -9 AM…on 105.9 WLNI in Lynchburg on Sundays from 7-8 in the morning and on AM 740, WMBG in Williamsburg, from 7-8 AM on Saturdays.

Rumor has it that some guy named Jim Hoeft might have a recurring spot on the show, too.

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