Perriello: Not Democratic Enough for Egypt

The massive red wave that washed away 64 Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives last November has apparently reached…Egypt. Former Virginia congressman Tom Perriello who in a former career worked with peace activists and pro-democracy groups in West Africa, was thrown out of Egypt earlier this month:

“I was doing some work related to the peace talks in Sudan and a little work related to Egypt,” Perriello said Saturday night during an interview at the state Democratic Party’s Jefferson Jackson Dinner in Richmond.

Perriello said he arrived in Egypt a couple of weeks ago for work organized by the nonprofit National Democratic Institute. But he didn’t get to see first-hand the upheaval on the streets of Cairo.

“I actually got detained and interrogated at the airport by Egyptian police and then kicked out of the country,” he said.

So he never got past the airport?

“I did not,” he said. “In fact, they detained me during the Super Bowl, so it was particularly offensive.”

Perhaps the Egyptians are still angry about Perriello’s vote for Obamacare and Cap-and-Trade?

Seriously though, the fact that an American citizen and a former member of Congress was denied entry to an allied nation is troubling, but considering the danger that many foreign nationals found themselves in on the streets of Cairo, it might have been for the best that Tom Perriello was not allowed to enter the mayhem. Still as a fellow Bearing Drift contributor notes: “Who want’s Perriello? First his constituents kick him out of Congress, then he gets kicked out of Egypt, and now Obama may tap Kaine and kick him out of the Senate race. Kinda feel sorry for the guy.”

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