Something to Keep in Mind if Kaine Runs

With our former Governor Tim Kaine considering a return to elected office, his current conduct as DNC Chairman should not be overlooked.

The Daily Caller reports that the organizing arm of the DNC, also known as “Organizing for America,”is actively encouraging and supporting the union protests currently being waged in Wisconsin.

Now to be sure,the union protesters have every right to assemble and petition their government. However, the conduct and tone of the protesters has been, in some cases, quite nasty thus far and really unacceptable considering that they work for the citizens of Wisconsin. Perhaps even more dastardly is the conduct by the Democratic state legislators in Wisconsin who left the state when it appeared that they were going to lose the vote on the pension and collective bargaining issues. 

Tim Kaine could have used his position as the Chairman of the DNC to encourage civility in this instance. Instead, he has decided to condone unruly and self serving behavior on the part of the protestors and some of the lawmakers involved.

If fmr. Gov. Kaine is interested in running for the U.S. Senate then he should answer some questions. Does he approve of the protestors who were teachers calling in sick and lying in the process, setting a bad example for the children who are learning under them? Does he approve of government sector employees getting special benefits that private sector employees do not enjoy? Does he believe that Virginia should embrace the kind of public sector collective bargaining that has helped to get states like California, New Jersey, and Wisconsin into the perspective messes in which they currently find themselves?

These are some questions that Gov. Kaine needs to answer. I do not think that most Virginians are eager to end up in the same shape as states like Wisconsin.

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