Most Tibetan people probably didn’t see the commercial

OK, I guess I’m just an insensitive a**, but I did laugh out loud at the Timothy Hutton commercial regarding making light of the Tibetan situation to save a few bucks by using at your local Tibetan restaurant.

I laughed because I instinctively knew it was a gimmick to not only get folks infuriated at GroupOn and generate buzz, but also because they, in their own way, were trying to raise awareness for the Tibetan people.

Of course, also predictably, have been the PC police and knee-jerk activists who probably could have cared less about Tibet before the commercial ever aired. As of now, it’s 4:1 on of dislike to like.

Get real. Some folks take themselves way too seriously.

Regardless, it was a funny commercial and I hope the fundraising for Tibet is going well.

Another ad getting attention is the $9 million Chrysler spent to feature Detroit, Michigan.

Hey, if any city needed to be portrayed in a new light, it’s Detroit, but in the midst of the company being bailed-out by taxpayers, some might question whether it’s a good use of funds.

If this helps Detroit rebound a little bit, I’m all for the commercial. However, as Patrick Ruffini tweeted last night, I’d take the commercial more seriously if Michigan became a “right to work” state like Virginia.

Finally, the commercial that probably was the least controversial, but maybe most effective, was the VW ad with the kid running around like Darth Vader.

If you’re in your 30’s and grew up with “Star Wars”, who hasn’t run around the house practicing the “Force”? Seriously. C’mon…quit looking at me that way.

Great ad.

Check out more ads from YouTube and vote for your favorite.

I will say this – the Doritos “finger-licking” ad was funny, but gross. Which other ones caught your attention?

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