Appropriations committee is unanimous in passing budget amendments

Yesterday, Republican and Democratic members of the House Appropriations Committee unanimously passed budget amendments to the 2011-2012 Biennial Budget.

Speaking of the amendments, Speaker William Howell of Stafford said in a release:

“Today’s House Appropriations Committee-passed budget is a fiscally responsible package. One of its main highlights that I strongly support is the $114 million deposit into the state Rainy Day Fund, which puts us half way toward the $228 million deposit required in the next biennial budget. That’s a very sound investment during times that still call for fiscal prudence. I’m also pleased that the House budget amendments roll back over $4 million of previously authorized fees that hit our job-creating hospitality industry especially hard. Equally of note, the House budget amendments reduce previously authorized debt by nearly $120 million. Finally, the amendments further advance the interest of long-term structural balance in state finances by immediately beginning the phase-out this year, not in 2013, of the acceleration of the collection of sales tax revenues for certain businesses. If agreed to by the Senate, it would result in 98% of impacted retailers not having to accelerate their sales tax remittance.

First a transportation bill and now a budget? You’d think the House was trying to get results of something.

The budget amendments will be discussed by the full house Feb. 10.

Read more about the budget.

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