Bearing Drift US Senate Poll Results

Oyez, oyez, oyez! The polls are now closed!  Your results:

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For comparison purposes, here are the results of last month’s online poll:

Do you support the proposed constitution amendment to provide a partial tax exemption for real property that has made improvements for flooding?

  • YES (32%, 20 Votes)
  • NO (68%, 43 Votes)

Total Voters: 63

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A couple of takeaways:

  • Cuccinelli’s support basically split between Allen and Radtke, with neither candidate really gaining the upper hand.
  • Allen has a slight edge on Radtke among the blogerati, though none of the candidates really have an outright majority — only pluralities.
  • Marshall online base is consistent. It should be clear at this point that Marshall will mount a challenge that will not go away, votes Radtke desperately needs if she is going to beat Allen.
  • Corey Stewart continues to languish. Contributors on this blog in particular have been particularly hard on him for his zeal in driving out illegal immigrants from Prince William County (even if legal immigrants get caught up in the push… but I digress…) but otherwise Stewart is excellent on a variety of issues: life, taxes, small government, etc.  That he is performing so poorly even among Bearing Drift readers is shocking in my mind, as Stewart was seen as a veritable heir to the throne should the Lieutenant Governor’s position ever open up.
  • Mizusawa continues to percolate. It’s pretty clear that Bert is well loved, and has a resume to match the support he’s receiving.  Could Mizusawa deliver the Hampton Roads area for a particular candidate?  Or is this a sign that Mizusawa is in a similar position to that of Corey Stewart — well known in a particular area of the Commonwealth without the statewide name ID to mount a challenge?  Should Mizusawa sit this one out, can he deliver a constituency to his candidate of choice?  Keep an eye on this one.
  • Allen remains a powerful force in Virginia Republican politics. Little was mentioned by Marshall on the announcement this week, though Stewart was able to throw in one or two punches.  Radtke repeated her call for town halls, calls that the political professionals working for Allen will continue to predictably ignore until one of the candidates proves themselves an equal.  The old “Allen’s A-Team” is gathering steam, dozens of political activists are rallying around the standard.  And unlike the other candidates who have thus far ran against Allen, the heavyweights are predictably focusing on the long game.  The sole area where Allen is lacking?  Online.  Allen barely received a bounce, though it did put distance between himself and Radtke, there’s no question this is a two-person contest (for the moment).

Of course, this is an online poll… and like all online polling they are highly, highly prone to deck-stacking and the like.  Still, online polls are useful for two reasons: (1) they gauge intensity among supporters, and (2) they are a great barometer of social media strength and support.  At the moment, no one has really blown anyone away, though Allen’s press team sure rolled out like professionals (as expected).

So questions abound:

Does Jamie Radtke really have the Tea Party’s support she says she does? (I say yes, emphatically — others disagree)
Is Allen’s support genuine?  (he most certainly does)
Can Marshall make this a three way race?  (perhaps)
Is Stewart more than a Johnny-one-note on immigration?
Will Mizusawa rise as an authentic choice beyond the negative campaigning that is sure to follow?
Can Allen survive challenges from his right?
…and can the eventual nominee beat Webb?

Thoughts on the state of the race are more than welcome in the comments section below.

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