Congressmen enter the fray in 91st delegate race

Normally, Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA01) and Rep. Scott Rigell (R-VA02) see eye-to-eye on most matters. Unfortunately for Republicans in the 91st House of Delegate’s district, recently vacated by retiring Del. Tom Gear, they do not on who should be the GOP nominee.

This week, Wittman endorsed Seaford attorney Chad Green for the seat and Rigell endorsed Hampton councilman Chris Stuart.

Not surprisingly, Green lives in the 1st and Stuart in the 2nd Congressional Districts.

Wittman said of Green:

“I am pleased to endorse Chad Green for the House of Delegates,” said Rep. Wittman. “Having known Chad for many years, I have admired his hard work for the York County Republicans, and for many community organizations. Chad is a true conservative who believes in limited government, lower taxes, private landowner rights, and a strong military. He is exactly the type of leader we need in Richmond.”

Rigell said of Stuart:

“Chris is a proven job creator and a respected leader in our community and I believe he is the right candidate to fight for our shared conservative values in Richmond. Chris is committed to fighting for lower taxes and less regulation and will work to create the right environment to create more jobs in Hampton Roads. Please join me in supporting Chris Stuart for the Virginia House of Delegates.”

The firehouse primary will be held this Tuesday.

Green has also been endorsed by the Peninsula Tea Party and Del. Brenda Pogge; Stuart has received endorsements from State Sen. Frank Wagner and many current and former members of the Hampton City leadership.

Teresa Vanesse Schmidt, daughter of former Hampton City Councilman Alan Vanasse, and Poquoson Mayor Gordon Helsel are also running. Schmidt is Gear’s preferred candidate. Helsel challenged Gear in a nomination contest last go-around.

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