“They work, too”

Less than a week into office, and Andy Cuomo has already taken aim at one of his party’s great myths.

During his announcement that he would allow a temporary tax-hike on New York “millionaires” to expire (the tax hit anyone making over $200,000), Cuomo railed against raising taxes on “working familes” (New York Post):

The old way of solving the problem was continuing to raise taxes on people, and we just can’t do that anymore. The working families of New York cannot afford tax increases. The answer is going to have to be that we’re going to have to reduce government spending.

Things got interesting when he was asked about wealthier New Yorkers, whom Democrats almost always exclude from the “working families” category.

Cuomo’s response: “They work, too.”

There were a bunch of Republicans who shied away from language like that during the tax debate in Washington late last year.

Granted, we’re less than a week in, but Cuomo is off to a very good start.

Cross-posted to RWL

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