VPOD 103: Election 2010, a post-mortem

Brian Kirwin, D.J. McGuire, and Shaun Kenney join J.R. Hoeft in looking at the 2010 election and try to make sense of it here in the Commonwealth.

Show Notes:
* Our crack team of experts looks at the 2nd, 5th, and 9th Congressional Districts
* We look at 2012 and express concern over what to do about the Bush Tax Cuts, the Debt Ceiling, and unemployment
* We talk about the advantages of winning so many statehouses and gubernatorial races, but the dangers of relying solely on redistricting
* The electorate is clearly volatile, and has been since 2006. Has the climate changed?
* What are the chances of Keith Fimian coming back in the 11th against Gerry Connolly? What’s his next move?
* What does this election bode for next year’s General Assembly campaign?
* If Republicans have become more true to principle in the governor’s mansion and House of Delegates, what about the State Senate Republican caucus?
* Is George Allen ascendant? Is Rob Wittman an alternative to Allen-Marshall in the GOP in 2012? Will the Tea Party be teammates or a conservative opposition in 2011?

All this and more on this episode of Virginia Politics On Demand.

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Intro by Rick Jensen.


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