Nye: I keep the tracker at arms length, but he’s in my office

This is too much to believe.

When is Nye going to come out and just condemn the party for hiring these obnoxious people?

What, Nye can’t make a phone call to David Mills, DPVA’s executive director or Dickie Cranwell, Party chair to get “Dave the Tracker” to just back-off? Nye can’t get off his rear right then and there during the WAVY interview and walk over to Dave, who is sitting in Nye’s office, and tell him to cool it?

If Nye can’t even approach people working within the party, how effective can he be in Congress?

Judging by his body of work – he can’t make up his mind on healthcare until Speaker Pelosi tells him the night before, an economy that is described by the Virginan-Pilot as “bleh”, more than $13 trillion in debt, a national unemployment rate approaching 10%, Joint Forces Command as good as closed – not very.

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