Gerry Connolly Jumps the Shark

I thought back in June when Connolly launched a highly unsuccessful campaign against Keith Fimian on the 17th Amendment that he would have learned his lesson on such stupid political games. Unfortunately that was only the tip of the iceberg on this types of shenanigans. As the Fimian campaign astutely put it, you know its bad when even Ben over at Not Larry Sabato calls it “One of the Stupidest Political Ads I have ever seen.”

Seriously? So in June they attempt to paint Fimian as an extremist by flat out lying about what he said regarding the 17th Amendment. Now they are trying to make a major campaign issue out of a joke? If you’re a Democrat and/or a Connolly supporter you have to feel ashamed about this. This is beyond stupid, there needs to be a new word for stupid to describe this. Is Connolly so afraid that the people of the 11th district will kick him out of Congress because of his shameful record, that he’s resorting to basing his entire campaign on a joke? And how do Connolly donors feel about their money being used this way? This is the key to victory?

Internal polling must be looking pretty sad these days for Connolly…

Tim Edson from the Fimian campaign responded, “Congressman Connolly has opened his campaign for Congress with pure, flat-out deceit, proving that he lacks the basic character to be truthful with Northern Virginia, or to be trusted to serve us in Congress.”

Well said…

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