Sabato: 2010 was always going to be a Republican year

In his latest Cyrstal Ball (not to be confused with the 1st District candidate with questionable finances) UVA Center for Politics Director Larry Sabato currently projects that Republicans will gain as many as 47 house seats, 9 senate seats and 9 governorships.

That gives the Republicans control of the House, and a good step up towards the next redistricting cycle, but doesn’t quite take the Senate.

Although Sabato does note that in the 6 times since World Ward II that the House of Representatives has flipped, the Senate has as well.

Sabato notes:

Overall, though, a strong bet is that 2010 will generate a substantial pendulum swing from the Democrats to the Republicans. It is not that Republicans are popular—most polls show the party even less liked than the Democrats. Many observers find it amazing that the less-liked party is on the verge of triumphing over the better-liked party. Nevertheless, in the time-honored American way, voters will be inclined to punish the party in-power by checking and balancing it with more members from the opposition party.

This year has hope and change all over it.

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