To Bolster Border Security, Accept Offers of Assistance from Local Law Enforcement

Has the Obama Administration done anything to address border security issues? During President Obama’s term, we have witnessed the federal government taking a do-nothing approach towards enforcing immigration laws. This is threatening our national security.

Members of Congress are speaking out against the federal government’s approach on immigration law enforcement. Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) said we cannot meet our border challenges without assistance from state and local law enforcement. Goodlatte mentioned that the federal government has an existing program that trains state and local law enforcement to apprehend and detain those entering the U.S. illegally. Many of these requests have gone unanswered, and Rep. Goodlatte says we need to honor these requests from state and local law enforcement if we are going to ensure border and national security.

You can read more about the proposal for border security by visiting America Speaking Out.

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