Opposition grows in Virginia to controversial NY Mosque

As Barack Obama injects his opinion into the controversial Mosque at the site of the World Trade Center, Virginia’s conservatives are lining up against what most certainly would become a shrine to radical Islamists all over the world.

Governor McDonnell recently came out against the Ground Zero Mosque:

“I strongly believe in religious liberty. It’s a tenet of America democracy,” McDonnell said. “I also believe it is an issue for people of New York to decide. If it were my decision, I would not put that center there. It is a site where nearly 3,000 people lost their lives and I certainly would not locate that center there if I had a voice.”

GOP congressional candidate Keith Fimian sought to draw a line in the sand against his liberal opponent, incumbent Gerry Connolly (D-11th) with the following statement:

“The debate about building a mosque near the World Trade Center site isn’t a question of law or religious freedom. It’s simply a question of respect and compassion for the victims of the World Trade Center attacks and their families,” Fimian said. “I urge Congressman Connolly to state his opposition to the proposed mosque near the World Trade Center site and encourage President Obama to do the same.”

“The families of the victims and the American people are overwhelmingly opposed to the construction of this mosque,” Fimian said. “I take the advocates of the mosque at their word that they are seeking to foster peace and understanding between Muslims and the United States, but surely they can understand the opposition from the families who lost loved ones on 9/11. Building this mosque elsewhere would truly demonstrate respect, sympathy and understanding for the victims and their families.”

“Freedom of religion is critical to our freedom and greatness as a nation, and Muslims make invaluable contributions to our nation every day,” Fimian said. “This decision isn’t about freedom of religion. It’s about showing common decency toward the families whose lives tragically changed forever on that September morning in 2001. I hope Congressman Connolly will join me in opposition to this project at the current site.”

5th district Republican Robert Hurt also is attempting to make an issue about the Mosque in his bid to unseat Rep. Perriello:

“Our president’s decision to endorse the building of a mosque so close to the site of a national tragedy that millions of Americans will remember for their entire lives is deeply troubling.

“This is another example that the White House and folks in Washington are totally out-of-touch with the people of America.

“Congressman Perriello needs to stand up to our president and tell him that he should be focused on creating jobs and cutting the out-of-control spending in Washington instead of gratuitously offending millions of Americans with his insensitive comments.

So I ask, where does our Congressman stand on this important issue?”

68% of the country is opposed to building the Mosque with controversial financial ties near the site of the World Trade Center.

If you buy the Obama argument that building this Mosque is a stand for religious freedom then you also have another powerful ally in your cause. Hamas co-founder Mahmoud al-Zahar recently said that the Mosque “must be built.” With friends like those, who needs enemies?

The longer this Ground Zero Mosque fiasco drags on the worse it becomes for Democrats. If nothing more it will be a campaign trail talking point to show how liberals are indifferent towards the lives lost on 9/11/01.

Feel free to sign a petition to Michael Bloomberg voicing your displeasure.

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