McDonnell to Obama: Reconsider the closing of USJFCOM

Governor McDonnell has written both President Obama and Defense Secretary Gates voicing his opposition to the closure of the United States Joint Forces Command in Norfolk.

McDonnell wrote…”as a retired member of the United States military, I am struck by the fact that this closure is not a part of the recommendations contained in the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review, which requires an assessment of threats and challenges and a rebalancing of strategies capabilities and forces to address those threats that are both near and long term.”

Senator Jim Webb has also expressed his disappointment and has called for a a Senate hearing on the Department of Defense’s recommendation. (Virginia Business). Webb has challenged the legal basis for the recommendation.

Reps. Rob Wittman, Randy Forbes, Bobby Scott and Glenn Nye will meet with state and local leaders Wednesday evening at the Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center to discuss the recommendation. The meeting is not open to the public.

The Hampton Roads area stands to lose up to 10,000 jobs if this recommendation is approved.

That’s a major hit from a recommendation that came with no warning and little to no justification.

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