McDonnell approval ratings over 60%

Rasmussen Reports just released a poll about Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and his overall approval in Virginia.

According to the poll, McDonnell receives high marks overall, from independents, and those who favor a repeal of the healthcare bill.

Some key data points:

  • Nearly two-thirds (64%) of Virginia voters continue to approve of the job new Governor Bob McDonnell is doing, according to a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state. That includes 29% who Strongly Approve.
  • Eighty percent (80%) of GOP voters and 68% of voters not affiliated with either major party approve of McDonnell’s performance. Fifty-four percent (54%) of Democrats disapprove.
  • Seventy-one percent (71%) of those who Strongly Favor [repealing the healthcare bill] approve of McDonnell’s handling of the governor’s job, compared to just 31% of those who are Strongly Opposed to repeal.

Of note, 41% of African Americans also approve of McDonnell’s handling of the job – this, in spite of African-Americans only voting for McDonnell at less than 30%.

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