Steele vs. McCain: I’ll take Steele

I’m sick of Republicans calling for RNC chairman Micheal Steele to resign. The latest fluff about Afghanistan and Steele’s accurate comments about it has created more flack for the person and little comments about the substance.

It’s starting to make me ask why.

Steele has basically called Afghanistan Obama’s war – which shouldn’t be too much of a shock. Democrats have been campaigning that Afghanistan was their preferable war to Iraq for nearly a decade. That they probably didn’t really mean it shouldn’t detract from Steele’s statement.

Nearly twice as many US soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan under Obama than under George W. Bush. Not seeing that on the nightly news, are you?

Now John McCain, probably not too happy that Arizona is the national focus of Illegal Immigration in the middle of his Aug 24th Republican Primary battle, launched an attack on Steele.

“McCain says party chairman Michael Steele’s recent comments about the Afghanistan war are “wildly inaccurate” and inexcusable.”

“The Arizona Republican says Steele needs to assess whether he can still function in his job and must make “an appropriate decision” about his future.”

McCain’s logic? The war began in 2001. Well, using that logic, if the starting date is all that’s needed to determine possession, then Vietnam was Kennedy’s war and LBJ had nothing to do with it, notes Ann Coulter.

“At this point, Afghanistan is every bit as much Obama’s war as Vietnam was Lyndon Johnson’s war. True, President Kennedy was the first to send troops to Vietnam. We had 16,000 troops in Vietnam when JFK was assassinated. Within four years, LBJ had sent 400,000 troops there.”

Republicans are going to have a heck of a time talking about the Obama economy if they can’t even connect Obama to a war that he advocated, campaigned for and escalated.

I’m getting rather tired of McCain’s carping about losing to Bush in 2000, and believe me, that’s all this is. Don’t think a day passes that JMac doesn’t think “I could’ve whupped Al Gore, but I had to wait 8 years and take on Obama.”

Steele is right. Obama has to be responsible for his own policies. He’s been walking. He’s been saying his first words (though teleprompted) and he’s even wearing big boy pants. He’s more than a third of the way through his Presidential term.

Obama and McCain need to quit the Bush bashing and focus on their own records. Leave Micheal Steele alone.

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