Connolly fleeces his constituents with their own money

So Gerry Connolly thinks wasting taxpayer money by franking campaign mailers will convince his constituents that he is responsible with their money?

Surely you jest sir.


The bottom left reads, “This mailing was prepared, published, and mailed at taxpayer expense. It is provided as a service to the 11th Congressional constituents.”

I bet the constituents of the 11th Congressional district feel pretty blessed that their money is going to support Connolly misleading them by pretending to be a fiscal conservative.


This is my favorite part: “Congress’ greatest challenge is to end the culture of overspending in Washington. I have stood with Republicans and like-minded Democrats to oppose spending bills that-no matter how well intentioned-we cannot afford.”

I guess he isn’t referring to the stimulus plan, cap-and-trade, millions in earmarks, and Obamacare – which he did vote for. And what Republicans are we talking about? How does someone who has voted with the Democratic leadership 97% of the time really make such a fraudulent claim to be bipartisan? Connolly’s statement would be hilarious if it wasn’t so terrifying what knukleheads like him in Congress are doing with our money.

Fimian campaign manager Tim Edson, citing Connolly’s “record of failure,” was right to call him out on this farce:

“After voting for reckless spending and adding hundreds of billions to the deficit, Gerry Connolly insults the intelligence of 11th District voters by touting his supposed fiscal responsibility, despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.”

“In a desperate attempt to fool voters and cover up trillions in reckless spending, Connolly has resorted to dressing up as a fiscal conservative. And after asking for more money in earmarks than anyone else in the state of Virginia, Connolly makes the misleading claim to have voted against wasteful pork barrel spending.”

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