I-66 Transportation Improvements on the Horizon

I-66 is one of the busiest transportation arteries in Northern Virginia, and yesterday, Governor Bob McDonnell announced that the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) will continue its support of his efforts to reduce congestion on I-66. The CTB advanced $61 million in I-66 projects in a six year improvement program.

Governor McDonnell said in a statement, “I-66 represents a significant transportation corridor in Northern Virginia that must be improved to address congestion, maintain economic viability and improve quality of life. Addressing the transportation challenges that clog Northern Virginia’s roadways will require innovative thinking, dedicated and sustained investments, and a long-term vision. I am encouraged that the CTB is continuing to take actions that support this effort.”

Some of the suggested improvements include:

  • a $10.2 million contract to complete the first of three spot improvements on I-66 inside the Capital Beltway. This project will connect the current westbound acceleration/deceleration lanes between George Mason Drive and Sycamore Street. Construction on this project is to begin later this summer.
  • The second and third improvements will occur between Haycock Road and Westmoreland Street, and between Lee Highway and Glebe Road.

Additionally, there are two studies that will review future improvements for I-66, including:

  • Increased public transportation options
  • Increased High Occupancy Tolls (HOT Lanes) and High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV)
  • Additional road improvements

With Governor McDonnell and the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) discussing ways to improve I-66 in Northern Virginia, will this continue to expand to other areas of the Commonwealth experiencing traffic congestion? The Hampton Roads region also experiences the same traffic headaches as well.

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