Wittman, Rigell, Hurt, Murray, and Fimain – ready for the general

Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA01), Scott Rigell (R-VA02), State Sen. Robert Hurt (R-VA05), Patrick Murray (R-VA08) and Keith Fimian (R-VA11) all won their primary battles today and are set to square off against the Democrats.

All but Wittman will have to challenge a sitting Democratic congressman.

In the 1st, Wittman had little trouble disposing of Catherine Crabill’s ill-advised campaign. Handily defeating the woman who said the Oklahoma City bombing was the government’s fault. Wittman will now be challenged by upstart Democrat Krystal Ball, who sewed up her party’s nomination earlier this spring.

In the 2nd, Rigell had to fend-off the surging campaigns of Ben Loyola and Bert Mizusawa at the last minute to win a plurality of voters. At the time of this writing, Rigell has not yet broken 40% of the vote, with Loyola garnering 26% and Mizusawa 18%.

In the 5th, Hurt walked away with the nomination with nearly 50% of the vote, despite a strong showing by Jim McKelvy with 26% of the vote. The rest of the field didn’t break 10%.

In the 8th, a nail-biter between Patrick Murray and Matthew Berry occurred. Murray just edged-out Berry in this low turn-out election. Unfortunately, this bodes very well for incumbent relic, Jim Moran.

In the 11th, Keith Fimian had no trouble defeating Pat Herrity. Fimian will now rematch with Gerry Connolly.

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