Pat Herrity in his own words – Part 2

As promised, responses to questions relating to some of Supervisor Herrity’s personal beliefs, goals if elected, and what he considers as his biggest difference between him and his opponent.

Why did you decide to run for Congress?

“As I see the decisions being made by this Congress, I am truly frightened for the future of our country. Simply put, I believe our country is at a crossroads. The Federal Government is on a dangerous and unsustainable course. Congress should be focused on reigning in out-of-control spending, lowering taxes, and creating jobs. Instead, Congress is focused on advancing an out-of-touch, liberal-government-based agenda that is only making the situation worse.

“I am running for Congress because the out of control spending taxes being raised on 11th district residents, the healthcare policies being levied and the changes in tax codes are disproportionately going to affect the citizens of the 11th District. Our sitting Congressman has been a part of the leadership team that has delivered the massive spending and reckless taxes and he needs to be replaced. I am running for Congress because this will be one of the 5-10 seats that will determine if we have a liberal democrat Congress or a conservative Republican Congress. This is about the future of our children and grand children and our country and constitution.”

What do you consider the biggest policy difference between you and your opponent?

“My primary opponent and I do not have major policy differences. Our differences are on community involvement, experience and electability. I am the only candidate in this race that has a proven record of lowering taxes, cutting spending and reducing the size of government. It is this record I will take to Congress. I won my race for county supervisor in 2007 even though it was a tough year for Republicans. I came within 1 percentage point of winning the Board chairmanship even though my opponent had the full backing of the Connolly machine. Even then, I won the 11th Congressional District 55% to 45%. Independent polls say, I am the candidate who can beat Gerry Connolly and I have a plan to fix our problems.”

How do you define conservatism and what makes you a conservative?

“A conservative believes in God and family, the rule of law, and a strict interpretation of the Constitution as our Founders intended. We believe in limited government, individual rights and liberties, and a strong military. I adhere to and act on those beliefs. Therefore I am a conservative. More importantly I have a proven record of conservative leadership on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. View my website to see more,

Why are you the best person to beat Rep. Gerry Connolly?

“The respected Cook Political Report noted: “Fairfax County Supervisor Pat Herrity, who came within a hair of winning Connolly’s old county chair job in a special election last year, would probably be the GOP’s strongest candidate.” I am the only candidate in this race that has a proven record of lowering taxes, cutting spending and reducing the size of government. I believe that is what the voters are looking for after two years of Connolly’s reckless spending and growing government at the expense of the private sector.”

If elected, what will be your top priority as a Congressman?

“Cutting spending, taxes and regulations to spurn job creation and protecting the United States from terrorist attacks.”

For more information on Supervisor Herrity, visit

Tomorrow is the primary in the 11th congressional district. Whomever you support, get out and vote!

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