Cuccinelli endorses Keith Fimian

In a primary that will consist of mostly conservative voters, this is a VERY BIG deal. Just a few minutes ago Keith Fimian announced that Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has endrsed him in his bid to represent the GOP in the 11th congressional district:

Today, I am proud to endorse Keith Fimian for Congress. Keith’s experience and record of creating jobs here in Northern Virginia makes him an ideal candidate to face off against Gerry Connolly this fall.

Keith is staking out the same conservative positions now as he did in 2008, and his steadfast support of the Constitution is an asset we could use on Capitol Hill. And unlike Gerry Connolly, Keith has shown that he will not change his tune to win votes. He will stand up to the Washington insiders and fight for what is right, no matter what.

As an entrepreneur, small businessman and job creator, Keith Fimian is exactly the kind of leader we need in Congress right now to turn this economy around. He will focus on creating jobs, cutting spending and he’ll work hard to get government out of the way of businesses doing business. Keith Fimian is 100% pro-life — he’s someone we can trust to always vote to defend our traditional values and stand up for families.

If Republicans are going to make a meaningful comeback in 2010, we need candidates like Keith who will carry their conservative principles to Congress – not return to the business-as-usual politics that lost us the majority in the first place.

Keith Fimian has the qualities and experience we need to win in November. We need Keith Fimian in Congress, and that’s why he’s earned my endorsement. Please join me in supporting Keith in the Republican primary June 8th and again in November.


Ken Cuccinelli, II
Attorney General of Virginia

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